My two and a half year-old recently had a cold. At the first sign of the sniffles I checked him for any subluxations (misalignments of the skeletal structure that might impede proper neural communication), started him on the homeopathic remedy Aconite as recommended by my homeopathic practitioner, made sure that he had eucalyptus essential oil in the bedroom humidifier, and Vick's vapor rub on his feet. Also, his diet was restricted to absolutely no sugar (unless fresh fruit), no dairy and low gluten. His fever ran for about 4 hours and it only took 48 hours for the entire thing to run its course.
Which one was "the one" that worked? Do I really care? No. Maybe it was a combination, maybe he would have gotten better in 48 hours regardless. I do believe that what I did assisted the body in some way, shape or form. Any or all of it is a better alternative to giving my child cough syrup or another medication that has side effects - some that can be fatal.
I'm not writing this as a prescription for you or your kid(s). This is simply introducing you to another angle to parenting and healthcare. Good Luck in your own parenting and health-seeking journey.
In Health and Happiness,
Dr. Erin