Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 20

My computer is about ready to give me an ulcer, seriously.

Almost done with my post (a good one too - aren't they always;-)  when *poof* it's all gone - all of it.  Well, I will do what I can, but no promises for a great post.

I had written about my intense carbohydrate cravings this past weekend.  I mean, ever since last Thursday I've been trolling the house for sugar.  For a substitute I went hog wild in the bread department.  The peanut butter and jelly sandwich was the most satisfying.  

Excuse me a moment while I finish my soup in a bread bowl from panera bread.

See what I mean?  

When I was pregnant there was a sheet that my midwives gave me that had a list, "If you are craving _____, then you need _____ nutrient".  It was awesome.  I know some of these cravings are my body wanting me to eat something to fulfill nutrient need.  Folic Acid maybe?

Anyway, another thing that crosses my mind is a guideline presented by Michael Pollen.  Really it's common sense, but he says "when you are hungry, have an apple first, then wait a few minutes"  It will save lots of calories, have you eating something healthy and if you have a glass of water you are really setting yourself up to win.  

Okay, the two books below have officially made it onto my "Future Reading List"  Just an FYI in case any of you read it before me, I'd be interested in knowing what you think

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day 18 - over halfway there!

Holy Cow! Day 18 - They seem to be coming so fast now.

Hopefully you guys are still tracking your sugar intake and curbing that refined sugar.  I had been doing pretty darn good until date night last night.  Hubby and I went and watched "The Hobbit".  After indulging in a significant amount of popcorn I had 2 generous hand fulls of peanut M&Ms.  Those darn things.  I've been procrastinating on finding out the sugar content of those.

Up until last night my daily sugar intake has hovered between 18 and 23 grams.

Feeling better in the mornings.  Decreasing the baby gut I put on with child number 2.  Actually able to look at sugary snacks and walk away verses stuffing my face (most of the time).  Speaking of child number 2 I hear him starting to wake from nap time so signing off.

Good Luck!  Keep up the Good Work!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 9: Things to eat instead of sugar

The past couple of days have been really, really good since my milkshake incident.  I was even able to keep my sugar count below 10 grams yesterday, which allowed me to eat some peanut butter M&M's.  Though I'm trying to get out of the habit of "treating" myself with sweets.  Not the healthiest chocolate snack, but it was movie date night with my husband and he picked those up forgetting about my sugar challenge.  He earned some brownie points.  Here's a picture of my 1/8 cup of M&Ms, which equaled 10 g of sugar.  I added a tsp of peanut butter on top to increase the yumm factor while only adding .5 g of sugar.
I've been thinking about ways to cut sugar from my daily menu and thought I would share with you some of my solutions for when I am craving sugar or ways I'm choosing healthier options. . .

1.  Drinking a huge glass of ice, cold water.  So many times we may think we are hungry, but we are actually dehydrated.

2.  Have a piece of fruit.  My favorite lately has been grapefruit.

3.  Exercise.  Do 10 push-ups or sit-ups.

4.  Playing with the kids.

5.  Reading a book.

6.  Singing along with the radio

7.  Eat carrot sticks or any other kind of veggie.

8.  Clean something.   You know you've been procrastinating on that one.

9.  Make popcorn.

10.  Instead of syrup for you waffles, pancakes or french toast, make a fruit syrup.  We use organic frozen blueberries.  Place in saucepan on stove.  Add 1 tbsp of water.  Simmer, until fruit is hot.  Smash and simmer some more.  Then cool and place on top of breakfast.
The kids love it, it's fresh fruit and doesn't contain any refined sugar or corn syrup.  Here's a pic.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 6: Supertracker

Surprisingly, nothing much to report.

Today went much better than yesterday on so many levels.

 I stayed below my sugar mark, but should have eaten more vegetables.  I've been playing around on the USDA's website called "SuperTracker".  In terms of tracking your food, the app I've been using is easier for finding exactly what you eat.  For example, if I get a sandwich at Panera Bread it literally takes less than a minute to find the exact sandwich and plug it into the MyFitness Pal program.  I've been having a harder time tracking precisely what I've eaten on the SuperTracker, but it does have some really neat graphs and a link that shows you if you are getting enough vitamins and minerals in your diet.  I found that part fascinating.  It made me glad that I supplement my diet and my children's diet with decent multivitamins.

Here's the website if you want to check it out:

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 5: Is it over yet?

Okay, enough procrastination.  I've officially been looking at shoes online (with no intention to buy) for 30 minutes now and Facebook for 20.  I know it's because I really don't want to write today and publically air my setbacks.  However, a commitment is a commitment and I will remain true to my word.

Speaking of words, here are my 2 for the day . . .

Milk. Shake.

WAIT!  Actually 3 words

Chocolate. Milk. Shake. 

And 58 grams of sugar . . .

There, I said it and now you know that there is not a chance in heck I stayed below my 20 grams.  Can I blame it a fit of hormonal rage?  That might make me feel a little better.  Just kidding, no matter what the endocrine flux the fact is that, yes.  I did have a small chocolate shake and I'm owning up to.  No, I'm not perfect.  Yes, I screwed up.  My small victory is that I didn't then give into my inner voice, which said, "Well, darn, might was well eat all the sugar and chocolate today that you want since you already blew it".  Believe me, in the past I would have. 

In brutal honesty, that was not the biggest breakdown of the day.  Just a few hours ago my husband got a text message from me stating "It's been a bad parenting day.  I hope you'll be home soon".  Yeah, that's never a good sign.

Opened a door, not realizing that child 1 was behind it and nailed him above the eye with the doorknob.  Child 1 later threw a rather large plastic train down the stairs which hit child 2 on the head.   Clean up time at the end of the day was refused by children so when the timer went off and the room was still a diaster, Color Crew privlages are revoked.  That caused immense tears and some high-pitched screaching (which makes me want to poke my eyeballs out).  That's not all, but I don't want to bore you.  Suffice to say that I will be glad when tomorrow comes.  Fresh start!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 3: Sheesh

Holy cannoli!  I'm just now sitting down to check in after an Amazing day of adjusting people in the best chiropractic office around!  At one point we had, what felt like, a zillion kids playing and babbling while mom and dad or grandma got adjusted.  The energy in the office was upbeat and uplifting.  I mean it when I say "I Love What I Do!"

After everyone left I just laid on the adjusting table for 10 minutes to catch my breath and stretch my spine.  Still running on that amazing energy though.

Anyway, quick check in with the challenge.  Today I blew it with 15 grams of sugar in my Tomato Bisque soup.  Up until that point I was rocking.  I had no idea it would be that ridicously high, so I didn't check it prior to ordering.  Live and Learn. 

Hope you all are doing well.  Update on your progress on here or Facebook.  I need to know I'm not alone :)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sugar Sweet Challenge - Day 2:

Made it with 20.1 grams today!

It wasn't easy, but seeing that number made it worth it.

Before the challenge began I went on a chocolate cleanse throughout the house.  The Russell Stover chocolates that I found in my stocking got trashed.  The chocolate covered pretzel treats that my mom made got put up in a cabinate so they would be out of sight, out of mind. 

Then, daa daa dum . . .

Today I noticed the "Turtle" chocolate box sitting on top of the fridge still half-full.  Yikes!
For those of you who know me well, those are my absolutely most favorite chocolate treats EVER.  Gooey caramel with cruchy pecans, all covered with milk chocolate. Yum, yum, yum.

Yes, my mouth was drooling - profusely.
But here's the deal.  I didn't trust myself to stop at just one.  The reality is that I can feel my body readjusting to the reduced sugar intake and in a sense, detoxifying itself.  As I lay in bed last night all of my muscles felt sore and tender to the touch.  It's amazing to me how quickly the body responds to dietary changes (the "light" feeling upon waking, the tender muscles).  Until that readjustment period is over and my body finds it's new balance I don't want to give into my (intense) sugar cravings and blow it.  Chances are I will overcompensate and come up for air only after every last turtle has been consumed. 

I didn't have the heart to trash them just yet, but I will bide my time and save up my sugar grams and will power, until the day I can have one for dessert.   In the meantime, that red and white-striped box will remain on the fridge.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sugar Sweet Challenge - Day 1:

Okay, so I haven't even had dinner yet, but somehow I'm already at 22 grams of sugar!  This is harder than I'd imagine, but if I hadn't blown 7.8 grams of sugar on dried cranberries in my lunch salad I'd be in a better place.  If you look on the craisins ingredient list, sugar is the second ingredient behind the actual cranberries.  Crazy!  I also admit to a half square of a Giradelli dark chocolate - I was jonesing.  Though, that only accounted for 3.5g.  That was way more worth it verses those darn cranberries.

Also note that this challenge is for counting refined sugar.  The 6.4 grams I consumed with my breakfast toast (according to my app) provides some leeway.  Since the American diet is way to heavy on the flour aspect I decided to leave it in my daily count though. 

Already, since skipping dessert last night I noticed that I woke up this morning feeling much more refreshed.  I literally felt lighter.  This is a pattern I've noticed when I skip the nightly dessert.  So dessert should really be an exception, not the rule :)

For those of you doing this with me - GREAT JOB!!!

Keep up the good work, I'm excited for what tomorrow will bring.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

30 Day Sugar Sweet Challenge now begins!!!!

Happy New Year!!!!

As we kick off 2013 it's the perfect time to bring our attention back towards taking care of ourselves, primarily our health.  Those 3 wonderful holidays right in a row starting in October are my lowest point of self-discipline when it comes to my diet. . . The 30 day Sugar Sweet Challenge was born of a desire to bring awareness back to my diet, but knowing I will have more chance of really applying myself if I have a community of support.  We are each others biggest fans.

So here are the details.

For the next 30 days, until January 31st, we will try to keep our sugar intake of table sugar ( this includes other sugars such as high fructose corn syrup) below the maximum recommended level.
For women that number is 5tsp, which is equal to 20 grams.
For men, 9 tsp or 36 grams.

I encourage each of you to keep a food journal so that you have a daily account of what you have eaten.  I am personally using an android app called MyFitnessPal to track my food intake.  This is one of the apps that will show the sugar content of food.

This is not a contest.  Please don't get down on yourself if you go over the threshold!  I will be reporting my intake on a daily basis and yes, I may blow it now and again.  The purpose of this challenge is ultimately to bring awareness to how much sugar we are eating.  Today's average consumption in America is 44 grams per day!  What we eat does impact our health.  Just like chiropractic is a vital part of optimal health and functioning, so are the nutrients we supply our bodies with.

Just today I did a test run.  However, I was in the middle of consuming a belgian waffle, complete with syrup, blueberries and whip cream before I remembered the challenge.  After a night of little sleep due to a vomiting child my mental facilities were not that sharp and I forgot.  However, my dog, Sadie, was looking out for me.  When I left my plate to get child 1 a drink, she ate the remaining half.  So, know that I will be right there along side of you, trying to eat better and feel better.

 So, during January I hope that you all read/reply to my blog and also check in with via facebook on a daily basis.  We can do this!!!!

Good Luck everyone :-)