Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 3: Sheesh

Holy cannoli!  I'm just now sitting down to check in after an Amazing day of adjusting people in the best chiropractic office around!  At one point we had, what felt like, a zillion kids playing and babbling while mom and dad or grandma got adjusted.  The energy in the office was upbeat and uplifting.  I mean it when I say "I Love What I Do!"

After everyone left I just laid on the adjusting table for 10 minutes to catch my breath and stretch my spine.  Still running on that amazing energy though.

Anyway, quick check in with the challenge.  Today I blew it with 15 grams of sugar in my Tomato Bisque soup.  Up until that point I was rocking.  I had no idea it would be that ridicously high, so I didn't check it prior to ordering.  Live and Learn. 

Hope you all are doing well.  Update on your progress on here or Facebook.  I need to know I'm not alone :)