Please excuse my absence. I'm in the midst of the final push to get my new house in live-able condition, which means many nights of putting the kiddos to bed then doing extra projects. That had been the time I was blogging.
But, I have not forgotten nor steered away from the Sugar Sweet Challenge! My hardest day was yesterday, the Starbucks scone day. 17 grams of sugar in that carbohydrate square, which meant for the rest of the day I had to be super up-tight about my food intake. You want the truth? After all the healthy eating I've been doing that Starbucks scone wasn't even that good. I NEVER thought I would say that, EVER. I love pretty much all westernized flavors of scones with a good coffee.
My body responds so much quicker when I have a crappy food day. Then I feel stuck between wanting to eat loads of empty carbs and sugar because it's on my mind and I'm feeling yucky, but what I consumed is WHY I feel yucky in the first place.
Okay, so it's still a struggle when I'm really hungry and on the go. Let's talk about some healthy treat options. I've learned to pack snacks for myself and the kids whenever we run errands. Hungry kids are cranky kids and who wants to be in the store with grumpy kiddos? Not fun...
Here are some snacks I make sure to pack:
1. Apples
2. Almonds (for fat and protein)
3. Little cheese wheels from Laughing Cow. (these are packaged in wax which the kids love to open)
4. Little mandarine oranges. (if I have enough time I pre-peel these)
5. Homemade Larabars
They were so easy to make as long as you have a food processor. I don't so I tried the blender. No, big mistake. I ended up having to cup the dates up by hand.
1 cup nuts ( I used 3/4 cashews and 1/4 almonds) processed in the food processor
2 cups pitted dates processed after the nuts because it will leave the blade sticky
2 heaping tbsp of peanut butter
Mix together in a big bowl and place on plastic wrap. Roll into a rectangle (I used a large knife to crisp up the sides), wrap and refrigerate for 15 minutes. Remove and cut into single serving rectangles. I individually wrapped these then placed them in a ziploc bag. I think they'll be good for a week, but ours lasted only 3 days and the kids LOVE them.