You all know those cute little foam Bumbo seats which are now a "must have" if you expecting offspring. Well I have resolutely decided that my child does not need and will not use one. This post came about through an innocent exchange with my mom. My son, at 2 1/2-3 months starting expressing his dislike with his supine-lying position. Who can blame him - the lights and ceiling fans can only provoke so much interest. Anyway, he would lay there with his little, chubby arms extended forward and curling his chin to his chest in his monumental effort to achieve a sitting position. Upon seeing this, one day my mom asked "Should we get him a Bumbo seat?". My eyes bugged out of my head as I replied with a rather loud "NO". Of course I was asked "Why not?". For any of you wondering the same thing here is my rational. . .
First, being a chiropractor, it seems to me it wouldn't be a good thing for the spine. You are placing a baby in a position that loads and stresses the spinal joints and pelvis before they are naturally suppose to sustain the load.
Second, when observing my son in his quest to sit-up I noticed that what he is doing is a baby crunch.
Q: Why do millions of us do crunches as part of our workout routine?
A: To strengthen our abdominal muscles.
Q: What do the abdominal muscles do?
A: They are essential for core control of the body and also are vital for SUPPORT OF THE LUMBAR SPINE by helping to alliviate some of the mechanical load placed on the spinal joints.
So why would I want to mess with natures perfect, innate way to develop core muscles and establish proper neuromuscular firing patterns with a product that is probably toxic to make and when it's no longer shiny and new will sit in a landfill? Maybe I'm being a little too harsh, but I am frustrated by all the baby "gadgets" that the media and culture says we "need". FYI - Just because we have the money and technology for these things doesn't mean it's the best thing for our kids.